Monday, 27 December 2010

Shephard Pie / Sfornato di macinato e patate

This is a very simple and typical British dish. The original recipe says it should be done with lamb minced meat, but of course you can use beef mince as well.
Questa e' una semplice e tipica ricetta Britannica. La ricetta originale dice che la carne macinata dovrebbe essere di agnello, ma ovviamente potete usare carne di maiale se preferite.

This is how I make it. I do understand that there are different recipes, many use carrots and celery with the onion, it's up to you, really.
Questa è la mia ricetta. Capisco che ci sono diverse ricette, molti usano con la cipolla della carota e sedano. Sta a voi mettere nel soffritto cio' che preferite.

200 gr minced meat / carne macinata
1/2 onion finely chopped / mezza cipolla tagliata finemente
salt, pepper / sale, pepe
2 big potatoes / patate grandi
some nutmeg / un po' di noce moscata
4 tablespoons of tomato sauce / cucchiai di salsa di pomodoro
1,5 tablespoon of butter / 1 cucchiaio e mezzo du burro

Boil the potatoes, mash them and add in some salt, pepper and greated nutmeg.
Bollite le patate, passatele ed aggiungete sale, pepe e noce moscata gratuggiata.

Lighty fry the onions, till they get golden, add in the minced meat and cook properly adding the butter in, and the tomato sauce.
Add in some water if you need some more moisture. But please remember that we are not cooking a meat sauce, this one must have no liquid part.
Soffriggete la cipolla, finche' dorata, aggiungete la carne macinata finche' cotta per bene, se rischia di attaccarsi aggiungete un pochino di acqua. Ma ricordate che non stiamo facendo un sugo di carne, questa non deve avere parti liquide, ben asciutta.

Pour the cooked meat into a buttered tray, press it down a little in order to get it firm inside the tray.
Versate in una teglia imburrata questa carne cotta in padella, pressate un po' con una forchetta per compattarla bene nella teglia.

Add in the mashed potatoes.
Aggiungete le patate schiacciate.

Bake for 20 mins in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.
Cuocete in forno, preriscaldato, a 180 gradi per 20 minuti.

Very good served warmed!
Ottima servito caldo!

Orange Chocolates /Cioccolatini all'arancia

Since everyone loved my Coffee Chocolates...I thought to make new ones...With an orange filling this time around!
Siccome i miei Cioccolatini al Caffe' sono stati un successone...ho pensato di farne di nuovi...questa volta con ripieno all'arancia!

To make the chocolates please follow the instructions described in the recipe for Coffee Chocolates.
This is what you need for the orange filling:

Per creare il cioccolatino seguite le istruzioni descritte nella ricetta dei Cioccolatini al Caffe'.
Questo è cio' che vi serve per il ripieno all'arancia:

1 orange grated zest /buccia grattuggia di un arancio
2 tablespoons of sugar / cucchiai di zucchero
3 tablespoons of melted ciocolate / cucchiai di cioccolato fuso
1/2 tablespoon of butter / cucchiaio di burro

Use a non-sticky pan, patiently add in all the above ingretiens but the melted chocolate, this will be added at the very end of the recipe.
Usate una padella antiaderente, pazientemente aggiungete tutti gli ingredienti tranne il cioccolato fuso, questo sara' aggiunto alla fine della ricetta.

The zest must get caramelized into the sugar and butter, keep cooking it with a very low flame for at leat 20 mins.
La buccia deve essere caramellata nello zucchero e nel burro, usando una fiamma molto bassa, per almeno 20 minuti.

At the end add in the melted chocolate, you must obtain a creamy but firm mixture.
Alla fine aggiungete il cioccolato fuso, dovrete ottenere un composto cremoso ma denso.

Use this mixture as the filling for your chocolates, exactly like in the recipe for coffee chocolates. It will remain soft inside and will be absolutely yummy with the dark chocolate!
Usate questo composto come ripieno per i vostri cioccolatini, esattamente come nella procedura per quelli al caffe'. Rimarra' un ripieno morbido e assolutamente ottimo con il cioccolato!


This is what we had for breakfast on XMas day ! Easy to make pancakes!
Questa e' stata la nostra colazione la mattina di Natale!


2 teaspoons of baking soda/ cucchiaini di bicarbonato
3 tablespoons of caster sugar / cucchiai di zucchero semolato
1/2 teaspoon of salt / cucchiaino di sale
1,5/2 glasses of milk / 1,5-2 bicchieri di latte
1,5 teaspoons of baking powder/ cucchini di lievito per dolci
2 tablespoons of melted butter / cucchiaini di burro fuso
2 eggs / uova
200 gr flour / farina

Stir in the baking soda + sugar + salt + baking powder and the flour into a bowl. Mix well.
Mettere e sbattere bene in un recipiente: il bicarbonato, lo zucchero, il sale, lievito e la farina.

Beat egg whites in another bowl until stiff peaks form.
Sbattete a neve i bianchi d'uovo.

Use another bowl and stir in the egg yolks and the milk, when it gets creamy add in the melted butter.
Usate un'altro recipiente e mettete dentro i rossi d'uovo e il latte, mischiate bene finche' cremoso, poi aggiungete il burro fuso.

Pour in this mixture into the first one you prepared, gently adding in the beaten egg whites.
Versate questo composto nel primo che avete preparato, aggiungendo gentilmnete i bianchi d'uovo sbattuti a neve.

Use a non-sticky pan, buttered with 1/2 teaspoon of butter.
Usate una padella antiaderente imburrata con mezzo cucchiaino di burro.

Pancakes can be garnished with maple syrus, honey, chocolate spreat, jam...and anything you like!
I pancakes di farciscono con sciroppo d'acero, miele, crema di cioccolato, marmellata... e tutto cio' che vi piace!

PLEASE NOTE: I also made a small amont of pancake mixture and added ricotta cheese ( 3 tablespoons) into into. I abtained soft and creamy inside pancakes, give it a try! :)

NOTARE: Ho anche fatto una piccola quantita' di composto dei pancakes ed aggiunto ad esso 3 cucchiai di ricotta, ne ho ottenuto dei pancakes soffici e cremosi dentro...da provare! :)

Fluffy walnut muffin /Soffice muffin alle noci

It was XMas Eve and we had a craving: muffins. I made a few...very quickly and making up some sort of cream to be spread over the muffins. This is what we had the chance to indulge into...something we will never ever yummy and fluffy! The inside was amazingly soft and "walnuty"...!!

Era la vigilia di natale ed avevamo una voglia: muffins. Ne ho fatti alcuni....molto velocemente ed inventando una sorta di crema da spalmarci sopra. Questo e' cio' che abbiamo avuto la possibilita' di gustare....qualche cosa che non scorderemo facilmente....erano cosi' soffici e buoni!! Il dentro era soffice da matti e molto "noccioloso" ...!


1/2 teaspoon baking soda/ cucchiaino di bicarbonato
80 gr of chopped dark choc / di cioccolato fondende a pezzetti
6 tablespoons of finely chopped walnuts/ cucchiai di noci macinate
100 gr of butter / di burro
180 gr flour / di farina
1/2 sachet of baking powder/ sacchettino di lievito per dolci
1 pinch of salt/ un pizzico di sale
2 eggs / uova
110 gr of sugar / di zucchero

For the cream on top: /per la crema bianca

100 gr of mascarpone cheese/ mascarpone
40 gr of sugar / zucchero

Mixed well all of the above ingredients ( not the ones for the cream, of course!) till it gets creamy, not liquid, just creamy. Use some milk if you see that the composte is too thick.

Mischiate bene tutti gli ingredienti (tranne quelli per la crema, ovvio!) fino a quando ottenete una crema morbida, non liquida. Usate del latte se vedete che il composto e' troppo spesso.

Distribuite the mixture into the holes of a muffin tray ( butter them!).
Distribuite il composto nei buchi di una teglia per muffuins. (imburrata!).

The Cream: / La Crema:

Simply whisk the mascarpone cheese with the sugar...thats it, nothing more, quick and easy!
Semplicemente sbattete bene il mascarpone con lo zucchero, tutto qui, nulla di piu', veloce e facile!

Bake the muffins in a preheated oven at 180 degrees, till the get high and soft. Use a stick to check the inside and see when the mixture is properly cook. Leave to finish off the cooking by leaving then in the oven, turned off.

Infornare in un forno pre scaldato a 180 gradi, finche sono alti e soffici. Usate uno stecchino per controllarne la cottura interna. Lasciate terminare la cottura in forno, spento.

Enjoy !

Monday, 20 December 2010

Coffee Chocolates/Cioccolatini al caffe'

Here we go again, new easy to make chocolates!
Rieccoci, altri cioccolatini facili da fare!


instant coffee/ caffee istantaneo
dark choccolate/cioccolato fondente

Melt 100 gr of dark choc (bagnomaria method)
Sciogliere 100 gr di cioccolato fondente ( a bagnomaria)

Pour it over your chocolates maker tray.
Versatelo nel vostro stampo per cioccolatini.

Move the tray around to cover up all the inside surface of each hole.
Muovere lo stampo per distribuire bene il cioccolato sulla superficie interna di ogni buco.

Get rid of the extra chocolate, you must cover up the inside surface, you dont need to fill in the hole.
Eliminate il cioccolato in eccesso, dovete coprire solo la parte interna del buco, non dovete riempire di cioccolato il buco dello stampo.

Place in the freezer for 30 minutes
Mettete nel freezer per 30 minutes.

In the meantime take a small bowl, stir in a spoonfull of soft butter, 2 spoonfull of milk, 2 spoonsful of very strong coffee (to make this: pour in in a glass 2 spoonsfull of hot water and 1 spoonfull of istant coffee).
Nel frattempo in un recipiente versate un cucchiaio di burro soffice, 2 cucchiai di latte, 2 cucchiai di caffe' molto forte (fatto sciogliendo in un bicchiere 2 cucchiai di acqua calda e 1 cucchiaio di caffe' istantaneo).

Mix all the above ingredients PLUS a spoonful of melted chocolate.
Mischiare gli ingredienti sopra citati PIU' un cucchiaio di cioccolato fuso.

Mix it all very well till you get a nice mousse.
Mischiate bene sino ad ottenere una bella mousse.

Take the chocolate tray out of the freezer and place a small amount of mousse in each hall. Please leave a space of at least 2mm from the top.
Prendete lo stampo dal freezer e mettere un po' di mousse in ogni buco, lasciate pero' almeno 2mm dal bordo in alto. Non riempiteli al limite.

Pour in some more melted chocolate over each hole.
Versate altro cioccolato fuso sul buchi dello stampo.

Place them back in the freezer for 45 mins.
Rimettete nel freezer per 45 minuti.

Take each chocolate out of the tray and enjoy :)
Togliete poi ogni cioccolatino dallo stampo e godeteveli!

Cheddar Savory Scones/Scones Salati

Yummy savory version of the most famous SCONES.
Gustosa versione salata dei famosi SCONES.

To be garnished with whatever you fancy, coldcuts, sauces...just about anything, really. Better served hot, but still great even the day after! They are soft and tall, very very yummy indeed :)

Da farcire con qualsiasi cosa vi piaccia, affettati, salse...con tutto, veramente. Meglio serviti caldi, ma sempre ottimi anche il giorno dopo! Sono soffici ed alti, molto molto gustosi!


220 gr of flour/farina
12-13 gr of heast/lievito
50 gr of grated cheddar or emmental/cheddar o emmental
2 tablespoons of finely chopped chives/ 1 cucchiai di ereba cipollina finemente tagliata
1 teaspoon of baking soda/1 cucchiaino di bicarbonato
1 small teasppon of cream of tartar/ 1 piccolo cucchiaino di cream di tartaro
water/ acqua

PLEASE NOTE: The cheese must be shaved this way, please see this pic.
NOTA: Il formaggio deve essere grattuggiato in questo modo, nei buchetti piu' grandi della grattugia, vedere questa foto.

Stir in in a bowl all the ingredients.Till you get a firm dough.
Mischiare ed impastare tutti gli ingredienti.Fino ad avere una pagnotta compatta.
Leave to raise for 2 h or till it doubles its size.
Lasciare lievitare per 2 ore o fino a quando non raddoppia la sua grandezza.
Use a rolling pin and flatten the dough, please note the thickness must be at leave 2cm, no less.
Usate un matterello per appiattire la pagnotta di impasto, da notare che lo spessore deve essere non meno di 2cm.

Use a round biscuit shaper to cut your scones, place them on a baking tray. Leave them to rest for at least 45 mins, they will raise even more. Brush some melted butter on top of each scones.
Usate un taglia biscotti rotondo per tagliare i vostri scones, metteteli su una teglia. Lasciateli riposare 45 mins lieviteranno ancora. Spennellate burro fuso in cima ad ogni scones.

Have a look at the scones before baking - view this pic.
Ecco gli scones prima della cottura - vedi questa foto.

Bake for 30 mins till tall, soft and golden on top.
Infornate per 30 minuti sino a che sono alti, soffici e dorati in cima.

Garnish and....enjoy!
Farciteli e ...godeteveli!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Leftovers Dish #01 - "Colourful Quiche"

Leftovers Dish #01 - "Colourful Quiche"
Piatto fatto con gli avanzi #01 - "Quiche colorata"

I rarely throw food away in the bin, I always try to make something with the leftovers.
This is what I had in the fridge:

Raramente butto via il cibo, cerco sempre di usare gli avanzi.
Questo e' cio' che avevo in frigo:

diced hand and bacon/cubetti di prosciutto e pancetta
1/2 courgette/ zucchina
1 eggs/ uova

And this is what I've done with it...
E questo è ciò che ne ho fatto...

1) sliced the courgette and lightly boiled it.
1) affettato la zucchina e leggermente bollita

2) sliced 1/2 blonde onion and lightly fried it with the courgette
2) affettato mezza cipolla bionda e soffritta con la zucchina
3) made a dough with 5 spoonful of flour+5gr of heast+5 spoonful of milk+salt
and left it to raise for 2hrs
3) fatto un impasto di 5 cucchiai di farina+5gr di lievito+5cucchiai di latte+sale
e lasciato lievitare per 2 ore
4) laid the dough in a 8" tray (previously oiled) and slightly oiled the laid dough.
4) steso l'impasto in una teglia da 20 cm (unta con olio) e leggermente unto la pasta appena stesa.
5) mixed the 2 egg with 3 spoonsful of flour + lighty fried courgette with onion, diced ham and bacon + 1 teanspoon of pesto + salt & pepper
5) mischiato le due uova con 3 cucchiai di farina + il soffritto di zucchina, cipolla e cubetti di prosciutto e pancetta + 1 cucchiaino di pesto + sale & pepe

6) I poured the mixture into the tray
6) Ho versato il mix sopra descritto (step 5) nella teglia con l'impasto steso.

7) baked for 25 mins at 180-200 degrees.
7) infornato per 25 mins a 180-200 gradi

Please note that it needs to cool down a little (10 mins) after having been taken out the oven, the cooked mixture needs to get pretty firm. It wont get thick and solid in the middle, it retains moisture and it will be soft :)

Da notare che necessita di almeno 10 minuti di "riposo" dopo la cottura. Il mix di uova ed altri ingredienti deve restare abbastanza compatto dopo la cottura. Non diventerà spesso e solido, ma sarà morbido e semi-umido :)

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Ham timbale / Timballo al prosciutto

Doesnt take long to do and is rather easy. Very tasty, although it is a very "plain" recipe...thefilling is pretty tasty, really.
Non ci vuole molto per prepararlo, ed e' piuttosto semplice. Molto gustoso, sebbene sia un piatto "basico", semplice, il ripieno ha decisamente un ottimo sapore!

120gr white rice / riso bianco
60 gr ham - diced / prosciutto a cubetti
2 spoonful of grated bread / cucchiai di pan grattato
1 egg / uovo
1/2 blonde onion / cipolla bionda
40 gr of ricotta cheese / di ricotta
30 gr of any tasty melting cheese / qualsiasi formaggio che si scioglie bene
salt, pepper / sale, pepe

Lightly fry the diced ham with the sliced blonde onion till it gets very golden and soft.
Soffriggere il prosciutto a cubetti con la cipolla finche' non diventa morbida e dorata.
Boil the rice, drain it and place it in a bowl.
Add in the egg (whisked) and the grated bread.

Bollire il riso, scolarlo e metterlo in un recipiente.
Aggiungere l'uovo sbattuto e il pane gratuggiato.
Place half the quantity of the rice-mixture into a buttered cake-terrine.
Add in the lightly fried diced ham and onion, the ricotta cheese and the other quality of cheese that you selected.

Mettere meta' della quantita' di riso in una terrina imburrata.
Aggiungere il soffritto di prosciutto e cipolla, la ricotta e l'altro formaggio a vs. scelta.
Cover it up with the remaing rice. Press it down a little.
Bake for 20 mins at 160°.

Enjoy warm :))

Coprire con la restante parte del riso, pressare un pochino.
Infornare per 20 mins a 160°.

Gustare caldo:))

Monday, 13 December 2010

Creamy Focaccia bread

You know by now that I'm very much into focaccia bread. This particular one is so-ooo creamy and yummy.
(and very easy too!)
Use the same recipe used to make focaccia bread, in this case you need to garnish it with:

  • 100 ml of double cream
  • 100 gr of ricotta cheese
  • salt, pepper
  • slices of red peppers previously roasted.

Creamy pasta

I must admit there is no need for a recipe for this one, but just take it as a suggestion :)
Creamy pasta sauce made with blue cheese, pepper and pesto.
That's it, nothing else.
Blue cheese and pesto is a very yummy combination, go ahead and give it a try :)
All you need is:

  • 100 gr blue cheese
  • 50 ml double cream
  • 3 teaspoons of pesto
Melt the cheese with the double cream in a pan, add the pesto and some pepper.
Enjoy :)

Quick Choc Moment

Hi there everyone! Haven't been cooking much over the past months cos I was working like crazy and living in a corporate flat where I had little chance and time to cook something good. Anyhow, lets start with this yummy and quick cake.
I used a 12cm tray, it is a very tiny cake :)

Sliced it in two and covered it with Nutella spread.
Poured the plain part first, followed by the choc one on top.
1 egg
150 gr plain flower
50 gr butter
70 gr sugar
1/2 glass of milk
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder (dark one)
Step 1)
wisked the egg with the sugar
Step 2)
added it to the flower, butter and milk.
Step 3)
poured half of it into the tray
Step 4)
added the cocoa powder to the remaing mixture
Step 5)
poured the choc mixture over the plain mixture (previously poured into the tray)
Bake for 20 mins-ish

A very quick cake to be made evry time you feel like it :)

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Fruity Plumcake!

Special plumcake made with fruit yogurt and choccolate as well!


180 gr sugar

180 gr flour 00

250 ml yogurt (strawberry)

2 eggs

1 yeast

50 gr butter (soften)


3 tbls of cocoa

Mix the egss with the sugar.

Add in the remaining indredients, but the cocoa, you will use the cocoa powder later,

the yogurt must be added at the very end.

Take 4 tablespoons of your mixture, place the in a bowl.

Add in the cocoa pwder and mix very well.

Pre-heat the oven at 180 degress.

Place half of the "white-clear" the mixture in a plumcake pan

add the "cocoa" mixture in the middle,

top if off with the remaining "white-clear" mixture and place in the pre-heated oven.

Keep an eye on it, cook for 10 minutes them turn the temperature at 150 degress. Bake it for 10 more minutes at 100 degrees.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Spiced Minced Meat in pastry

Looks good, doesn't It ? It is a main dish, does not take long to make and is super delicious!
200 gr miced meat
spices ( thyme, pepper )
extravirgin olive oil
1 slice of bacon, 1 cm high
half onion
cheese ( 3 slices )
100 gr of flour
extravirging olive oil
yeast ( 5 gr )
Prepare a dough with the flour, salt, water, yeast. Exactly like you would do for plain simple bread. Let it rise for 1 hour.
Slice the onion thinly.Put in in a frying pan with hot oil, chop the bacon slice into dices.
Let the onion soften up and become very golden.
In the meantime place the minced meat in a bowl.
Add in the salt, pepper, spices, 2 tablespoons of extravirgin olive oil.
At the end add in the fried bacon and onion slices.
Mix very well, make a firm dough.
When the bread dough is ready, flat it out with a rolling pin.
Place in on a tray with baking paper.
Take your miced meat dough and spread half of it on the pastry.
Flat in out a little.
take your 3 slices of cheese and lay them on the center.
Take the remaing minced meat dough and place it on top of the cheese.
Flat it out and kind of seal the border, this will prevent the melted cheese to drip out with cooking.
Wrap the minced meat dough with the pastry, leave an opening on the top. This will let steam out and your meat will cook properly.
Place in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees.
Must be pink-ish in the middle with a golden pastry crust.
Enjoy with fries :-)

Cheese & Chili Biscuits

I made this special biscuits in feb, as a Valentine's Day pressie for a few dear friends. Very easy to make and super yummy to eat! They go very well with cold-cuts, as an appetizer.
100 gr of grated parmigiano cheese
180 gr of flour
120 gr of soft butter
1 teaspoon of powder chili ( or pepper )
1 egg

In a bowl mix well the butter with the grated cheese.

Add in the flour, salt and chili.
Stir well and add in the egg.

Knead the mixture till you get a smooth dough.

Place the dough in the fridge for at least 120 mins.

After 2 hours, place the dough on some baking paper and using a rolling pin flatten the dough out a little, till you get a thick layer ( 1 cm - 1,2 cm ).

Cut it into pieces by using the shapes you prefer. (use a biscuit cutter)

Place your savory biscuits in a pre-heated oven ( 160 degrees ).

Keep an eye on them, they must be golden on top and on the bottom, but be carefull not to let them burn, it will spoil the taste completely.

Please note: they need to cool down at least for 30 mins in order to get firm.

Enjoy with a good wine :-)
PS: I got this recepe from Chicca, check it out here

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Chioccolates...make your own !

This is something you MUST do at least once in your life ! :-) make your own choccolates for a special occasion. I've used an ice-tray from IKEA, heart shaped.
This is what I've used....
  • 200 gr of dark choccolate
  • 100 gr white choccolate
  • 2 tablespoons of rhum
  • 50 gr of smashed walnuts
  • 80 gr of butter
Melt 120 gr of dark choccolate in bain marie ( double boiler ).
Pour the melted choccolate into each "cube" ( lets call them cubes, even though mine where can use any-other shape! )....
Make sure you cover completely the sides of the cubes, do not fill the cubes till their top, the choccolates must be on its sides and bottom.
Place in the freezer for 30 mins.
In the meantime melt the white choccolate in bain marie, add the butter,the rhum and the walnuts.
Leave it to cool down a little.
Take your ice-tray out of the freezer.
Fill in each cube with the melted white choccolate.
NOTE: fill in almost to its top, leave a 1-2 mm gap.
Place in the freezer for 30 minutes.
In the meantime melt 80 gr of dark choccolate in bain marie.
Take the ice-tray out of the freezer.
Cover each cube with the melted dark choccolate, use a spatula to level it.
Place in the freezer for 1 hour.
You must be very carefull when makeing your cubes pop out the tray, they are very delicate !

Garnished Focaccia Bread

Dont you find this very yummy ? I garnished my focaccia bread ( thick one ) with slices of potatoes and courgettes, but also with fresh tomatoes slices.
Here's what you have to do to make your own....
500 gr flour
25 gr fresh yeast
extravirgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of sugar
Melt the fresh yeast with some warm water and 2 teaspoons of sugar.
Place in your mixer the flour, add in the melted yeast and 4 tablespoons of extravirgin olive oil.
Mix well, add in the salt.
(remember not to add in the salt while adding in the yeast, this will prevent your dough to rise properly !!).
Form a firm smooth dough and let it rise till it will double its size.
Place the dough into a round tray with a high border.
Press it gently down a little, spread it till it reaches the border of the tray.
Leave it rise a little bit more, at least 40 mins, in a very warm place.
Take your tray, and with your fingertips, apply some pressure on the dough.
Sprinkle some olive oil, salt.
Now you can garnish it with potatoes slices and anything else you like.
Please note that potatoes slices must be boiled for 5 mins before laying them down on your focaccia bread.
Sprinkle some thyme on top and place your tray in the oven, preheated at 180 degrees. Leave it in there for 25 mins, it must be golden and soft-looking. Crust must be slightly more brownish.
Enjoy !

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Porcini Mushroom Bread

This is a ever-so-easy recipe ! First of all there is nothing difficult to do, just follow the recipe for Milk Bread, the only thing you must do differently is add some dried porcini mushrooms into the dough mixture.

Take a handful of dried porcini mushrooms.

Place them into a glass filled up with hot water.

Leave them in there for 15 mins.

Drain them out, kind of squeeze them as well into your hand.

Place them onto a chopping board and chop them finely.

Add them in into the mixture used to prepare Milk bread.

NB: I did not take the porcini mushrooms' picture linked above.

Tiny Pesto Rolls

Having a finger food night? Well....prepare these small rolls then ! Follow the recipe for Milk Bread and add Pesto sauce in the dough ! The flavour is just so-oooo good :-)


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